KV Nagercoil was established on 27-06-2008. The school was running 7 months in Hanifa Nagar, KP road, Nagercoil with classes I to V. The strength was only 32. A temporary building was constructed in the earmarked land with the fund donated by ISR and IRE i.e. 10 lakhs each. The Vidyalaya started running in the temporary building from 10-12-2009. The land was alienated in January 2011. The foundation stone was laid on 25th January 2010. The new building was constructed with KVS fund of Rs.9.14 crores. The school has been functioning in its own building from 2012. The strength was 700. The first batch of class X appeared in board examination in March 2014 (100% pass). The first batch of XII Science & Commerce appeared in the board examination in March 2016. The Vidyalaya got permanent affiliation to CBSE up to class XII in 2016.